10 June Monday
Dear Friends and Family,
First, it is a delight to once again have the capacity to upload pictures and resume with my writings. Lee is now in Hanoi and figured out that my photo program had been corrupted, so he did his "magic" and I'm once again up and running. So, the next few posts will be back and forth between what is happening now in Hanoi, and what all that occured during my second (last) week) in Cambodia. It will be good to get you caught up on things.
Today is my first day back at Vin University, which is a vastly different set up than what I experience in Cambodia. There are very few nursing students attending the university with each cohort composted of only 7-12 students. Nurses' wages here are very low and in many clinical settings, delivery of care is a challenge. For the most part, the students who attend Vin University wish to work abroad and obtain advanced nursing degrees so Vin University is competing with other high level universities across SE Asia.
(View from my office. The smog is rather dreadful today.)
The primary purpose of my time here is NCLEX Prep. The first nursing class graduates on June 29th and the goal is for them to fly to Taipei, Taiwan and take the NCLEX. They will be the first group of nursing graduates in the country to do so.
My second project is conducting two preceptor workshops. Faculty do not follow students into the hospital setting.
So, I've been asked to conduct two 3-hour workshops for clinical preceptors on how to facilitate student learning in the clinical setting. Then my final project is collaborating with the administrators and
nursing faculty on development of a graduate nursing program. I was to also teach rehabilitation nursing and a community nursing course, but something had to fall off of the schedule as I also have a body of work with my College of Nursing. So, the College of Health Professions dean and the director of the Faculty of Nursing (that is what nursing programs are called throughout SE/ E Asia) decided that the triad described above would be the best use of my time. I got my activity board up and started, but it is bound to be jammed full by the time the six weeks are concluded.Here are a few pictures of the campus and the building that I am working in for six weeks.
Above: The entrance to the main campus auditorium where graduation will be held. Yep, I hauled my academic regalia over here with me as I've been invited to be in the faculty processional.
To the Left: Vin Uni is all about Entrepreneurship and Creativity. They have a large engineering program. Young man working on software, moving the small vehicle about.
There is a shared area at the Colleges of Health Professions and the Arts & Sciences for folks to store their refrigerated items and the cabinets are loaded with faculty's preferred coffees and teas. FYI: That counter refrigerator is shared space for about 25 people!
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